Levels are broken down into 4 categories: Starfish, Whale, fIsh and Mermaid, spelling out SWIM. Below is a brief description of what each category will focus on.
Level 1: Starfish (Beginner/Non-swimmer)
This level's focus is on getting students comfortable in the water and putting their face in the water. The student is completely dependent on the teacher.
Level 2: Whale (Willing and Able Beginner)
This student is ready to learn and just needs guidance. We emphasize in this level safety through proper breathing, floating and survival skills. They'll practice kicking and gliding from the steps to a teacher. The student is becoming more independent.
Level 3: fIsh (Comfortable Swimmer)
The fIsh is able to swim on his own but will be taught correct styles and form as well as proper breathing if he hasn't been taught previous. In addition to perfecting their freestyle and building on previous skills, here they will also learn backstroke and elementary backstroke.
Level 4: Mermaid (Proficient Swimmer)
This level will perfect freestyle, backstroke and elementary backstroke and introduce breaststroke, sidestroke, butterfly and flip turns. Students will also work on their endurance on all strokes.