
How to Have a Successful Lesson

1. Goggles are fine as long as the child is not completely dependent on them. Masks should never be allowed; it prevents the child from learning how to correctly breathe underwater.
2. When kids are first learning, they may be uncomfortable with getting their face wet. Don’t let them use a towel to dry their eyes, ears or mouth. This only encourages them to continue to be uncomfortable.
3. Be sure to have long hair tied back so it doesn’t get in the way and distract from the lesson.
4. Younger kids are easily distracted. If this is the case for your child, please keep younger/older siblings at a distance.
5. If a child doesn't want to go with the teacher and you don't want to get in the pool, it's best if you hide in a place where you can see but can't be seen. If Mom's by the pool, who wants the teacher! If you're gone, they're more likely to focus and accept their teacher.
6. And most importantly, teach your kids to have fun with swimming! If you're enthusiastic and excited about lessons, chances are they will be to. Kids will mirror your attitude so make it a good one.